rubina gill

Founder’s Note

From being a self-taught artist to discovering little-known design technicalities, if there is anything that I’ve learnt through the decades and still find relevant then it is that every design begins with a story.

My journey as a designer started in a garage and those experiences and the stories that followed have majorly been what catapulted me to the next direction in my entrepreneurial journey.

From selling out every creation at major exhibitions globally to slowly reinventing along the way there hasn’t been a moment where I haven’t felt grateful for the blessing of craftsmanship. This is why, with everything I create, I aspire to inspire a generation of craftspeople to create with pride, a sense of fearlessness, and true passion.

rubina gill

Founder’s Note

From being a self-taught artist to discovering little-known design technicalities, if there is anything that I’ve learnt through the decades and still find relevant then it is that every design begins with a story.

My journey as a designer started in a garage and those experiences and the stories that followed have majorly been what catapulted me to the next direction in my entrepreneurial journey.

From selling out every creation at major exhibitions globally to slowly reinventing along the way there hasn’t been a moment where I haven’t felt grateful for the blessing of craftsmanship. This is why, with everything I create, I aspire to inspire a generation of craftspeople to create with pride, a sense of fearlessness, and true passion.

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